so-soI started taking these almost 3 months ago hoping to eventually get away from anti-depressants. I have not seen any noticaeble change in my mood. I have been sleeping pretty good (also take something for that). Even though I take something for my sleeping it hasn't always worked in the past. I do seem to sleep better lately so maybe it is helping in that regard. I cannot compare it to other brands as I have not used any others.
UPDATE --- 6/22/09
If Amazon allowed rating changes I would increase mine to 4 stars. Since I thought this St. Johns Wort really wasn't helping me I quit taking it last week. Big mistake!! While I still don't think it affected my mood when I took it I suddenly had trouble sleeping last week. When I laid in bed I felt very anxious and nervous. I had nothing going on that should have made me so worrisome. After a few days I finally remembered that this problem started when I quit taking the St. Johns Wort. I started taking it again over the weekend and my sleep is back to normal. I guess since I hadn't skipped it for too long it affected me again pretty quickly.
I will definitely continue to take this product. I wish it helped in other aspects of my life but I am happy that it does help me relax at night and sleep. (I would make it 5 stars if it helped my depression/anxiety during the day. Since it doesn't I give it 4 stars because of the way it helps my mind when I am trying to sleep.)
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