Work well!I've been using these since I was young b/c I have issues with ear wax build up to the point where I cannot hear get dizzy and migrain like headaches. These always work although I do have to use more than one usually b/c its so bad.
I am reviewing after reading the previous 1 star review. I can tell the difference between the wax from the candle and the wax fromm my ear after looking inside. Both colorand smell are different. (yuck)
I have tried drops and all the other dr. recommended ways to get rid of buildup and they have in fact only made it worse for me. The only thing that works better than these is a visit to the ENT who takes it out with a little hook. And b/c I have no insurance this is our choice.
Anyway Definetly use with someone helping you and follow the directions. We lie with my head in my husbands lap and he holds the candle. It does workand the proof is in the face that after I canhear again.
Good luck!
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